Watch: Dance With The Dolly...

Picture of The Andrews Sisters

Today's video features The Andrews Sisters singing the old catchy classic - "Dance With The Dolly With The Hole In Her Stocking."  This clip is from the 1945 movie titled "Her Lucky Night", which stared Martha O'Driscoll.  I've never seen the movie myself, but from what I've heard, it's simply awful.  Apparently, the only thing that saved this movie were the appearances by The Andrews Sisters.

The Andrews Sisters' version of "Dance With The Dolly With The Hole In Her Stocking" is great one. Their performance is both energetic and quirky, an Andrews trademark.  The part that shows them playing with dolls of themselves may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but just comes off a little silly and weird. 

Here is a quick plot summary from IMBb in case you are interested: "A fortune teller predicts Connie (Martha O'Driscoll) will find her true love sitting next to her in a movie theatre. Connie buys two tickets on an aisle and tosses one of them away...and hopes for the best."  - Sounds like a true Hollywood classic, huh?

All of that being said, it's still The Andrews Sisters in the prime of their careers so it's definitely worth watching.  And I'm sure you'll get a chuckle out of that awkward doll scene.  Enjoy!

Watch: The Andrews Sisters perform "Dance With The Dolly With The Hole In Her Stocking"

Her Lucky Night Movie Poster

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